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Big Yellow and Blue Knit

Blankets for our Disabled Supporters. A CALL to all Knitters to participate in this worthy cause.

TUFC supporter, Sam Balsdon, is calling out to all Knitters to offer their services in knitting blue and yellow 8” squares, he says:

“Our club may be having bit of a tricky time but some of our most loyal supporters are those who week after week make their way to the disabled section accompanied in most cases by their helpers. Soupdragon has come up with a great idea. She is willing to knit blue and yellow blankets for the disabled supporters if people can donate the squares."

"The squares need to be 8" and any blue or yellow shade will do but preferably the historical blue and yellow (like Brazil). The idea is that these blankets will be given out on match days. They can be stored in the first aid room in bedding bags. Ask you mums, aunties, grandma's to search their knitting baskets for any odd bundles of blue or yellow wool that may come in handy. Handing out blankets to our most precious supporters will give them parity with the directors on cold days."

"It may be late in the season but this is a superb and kind gesture, and will be of great enduring benefit to these supporters. I will be at the Fylde game and will be in front of the disabled area between 2.30pm and 2.45pm. I wear a home made blue and yellow scarf and matching bobble hat where I can receive squares. Alternatively you can take them in to the reception 9 to 5 in the week and from 12 to 5 on matchdays."

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