This is just a brief summary of the AGM held at Torquay Athletic Rugby Football Club last Thursday. Full minutes of the meeting will follow in due course but we thought we should advise our members of the outcome.
The TUST board were delighted with the level of support and the contributions made by those members who attended. What was expected to be a meeting of about one hour actually ran for nearly three hours as members were keen to contribute to discussions about the Trust’s activities, its new strategic plan and a member’s motion.
The latter received unanimous support and calls for TUFC directors to recommence engagement and dialogue with TUST with the aim of re-establishing a positive and constructive relationship which enables the club and TUST to work together collaboratively with the mutual aim of benefitting all aspects of the future of Torquay United AFC.
With the team doing so well on the pitch and a number of positive things happening with the Club’s infrastructure and behind the scenes, we believe there has never been a better time for the Club’s directors to engage with TUST so that we can all work positively to ensure the long term success and sustainability of our wonderful football club.
Many thanks to all of those who attended and also to those who sent their apologies and their votes by proxy, whether from near or far!
Michel Thomas
Chair, on behalf of the board.