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AGM 2020

Writer's picture: TUSTTUST


This year's meeting is being held virtually via Zoom. It is only open to TUST members. We are all new to this and have not held such a large meeting before so we would kindly ask for your patience on the evening.

Papers for the meeting can be found here:

The login details are as follows and the 'doors will be open' from 6.15pm.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 7167 3961

Passcode: 212046

If you have any questions regarding these arrangements or need assistance with Zoom please e-mail;

Zoom may not work on Firefox, it works fine on Chrome or Explorer/Edge. You can also download the app on to a phone or a tablet.

General points

• Please mute yourself (bottom left) unless you are speaking, to reduce background noise

• Don’t press ‘Share screen’ as this will show your screen to everyone

• The button top right enables you to switch between speaker view (large view of speaker, plus a few others very small) or gallery view (everyone shown as equal size).

Questions and discussions;

• If you have a question or wish to speak during the meeting please use the ‘raise hand’ function (click on ‘participants’ at the bottom of the screen, ‘raise hand’ appears at the bottom of the participant list)

• You will be ‘spotted’ by the Secretary who will then invite you to speak.

• Once you’ve spoken, click on ‘lower hand’

• Please do not run side conversations using the chat function as it can be distracting to the host.


There are several items on the agenda that require a proposer, seconder and a vote from those present. In order to make this as simple as possible:

1. If the Chair has requested a proposer and a seconder and you would be happy to propose or second the motion, please use the ‘raise hand’ function and the Secretary will select from those who have raised hands.

2. Voting will essentially be done in reverse, i.e. we will start with abstentions, then any voting against and if we have neither of these, we will carry the motion/proposal without a specific count.

3. If there is a need to do a count, we will work in the same order from abstentions, to against, to for the motion/proposal but will ask you to use the ‘raise hand’ function when the Chair requests “those abstaining etc.” You will be reminded to lower your ‘hand’ after you have voted, and the Secretary will make sure everyone has done so before the next stage.

AGENDA Wednesday 25th November 2020 at 6.30pm. Venue: To be held via Zoom – log in details to follow We need you at the AGM to show your support for TUST and have your say on our direction. If you are unable to attend you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf using the form which is available to downlaod together with all other details on the TUST website at

  1. Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence

  2. Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 24th October 2019

3. Receipt of the accounts and balance sheet for the year ending 30th June 2020. 4. Proposal to disapply the requirement for a full audit for 2020/21 accounts and the appointment of Independent Examiner for 2020/21. 5. Election of Board members 6. Report of the Board 7. Q&A session 8. Chairman’s closing remarks.

All papers including 2019 minutes, 2019/20 accounts and proxy form available to download at

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