Dear member,
This is advance notice that TUST’s AGM will be held on Wednesday 25thNovember 2020 at 6.30pm. In these exceptional times we are unable to meet in person so the meeting will be held virtually using Zoom and details of how to attend will be sent with the formal notice and agenda in due course.
If you wish to propose a motion for debate at the meeting please forward it together with the name of a member who seconds the proposal to tustsecretary@gmail.com or by post to 4 Church End Road, Kingskerswell, TQ12 5DS by Friday 6thNovember.
There are ten places on the TUST board. With three members’ terms of office continuing for a second year, there are seven vacancies to be filled. Four current members have indicated their intention to stand but we welcome other nominations. Areas where the board are particularly keen to recruit include those with marketing experience, younger supporters and exiled fans. Candidates must be prepared to work collaboratively with the board and be willing to participate in our e-mail based discussions and attend regular meetings, virtually if necessary. If you are interested in joining a busy, professional team please see the Election Policy attached which gives details of eligibility and how to apply and complete the nomination form. You will require other members to propose and second your nomination and return the form to tustsecretary@gmail.com or the address shown above by Friday 6thNovember. In the event of there being more nominations than vacant seats an election will be held ahead of the AGM.
The formal agenda, accounts and other details will be sent to you at least 14 days before the AGM. The board would encourage you to attend the meeting and look forward to seeing as many members as possible, albeit virtually, on 25thNovember.
Yours faithfully
Rick Williams
For a copy of the election policy or the nomination form, please click here to be directed to the dedicated page on our website.