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MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING Monday 16th July 2018

Present: Michel Thomas – Chair (MT),

Ali Bryant (AB),

Robin Causley (RC),

Chris Fleet (CF),

Rick Williams (RW).

Apologies: Matt Carpenter (MC),

Matt Gorman (MG),

Sean Horstead (SH)

Minutes of meeting held on 24th May 2018

The minutes were tabled and approved. There were no matters arising.

TUFC Liaison meetings Feedback from 27th June

Notes of the meeting had previously been circulated for information.

MT advised that there had only been one firm volunteer for the matchday welcome idea but it was recognised that there was a lot going on in the Summer and pre-season games were not as attractive. TUST is keen to support TUFC with this initiative and it was agreed that it was important to try and make it a success rather than rush it. A further invitation would be sent in due course based on one of the attractive league games and possibly extended to non-members. It was important that the initiative is not seen as a substitute for the stewards. It was stressed that the role was to welcome supporters and enhance the matchday experience which was recognised by the club as being necessary.

MT reported that the draft Memorandum of Understanding was with TUFC for approval. The club has indicated support in principle and it is intended to launch the MOU at an early game. It will be the first in the non-leagues and is endorsed by Supporters Direct.

The summary of minutes from past TUFC liaison meetings was also with TUFC for approval before circulation to the membership.

Future meetings

The next meeting is tentatively pencilled in for 24th July before the Bristol City friendly.

Report of the Marketing Group

TUST Brochure

The draft promotional brochure had been circulated and members amendments made. CF sought clarification on the timing of the launch. It was agreed that the target should be the first home league game against Bath on 7th August. This was a tight deadline but Serena should be able to make any final amendments within the week and quotes would be obtained from printers for an initial 1,000 copies. MT to provide his final amendments and TUFC to be chased for photos. CF to do more research on the community and financial benefit of visiting support and verify sources.

It was noted that the work had taken longer than expected and had exceeded the original £100 budget. A further £100 budget was proposed by MT and seconded by AB and unanimously approved.

In due course the brochure would be updated to include sponsors advertising.

Legends Evening

The event based on the Barnet match in 2001 was fixed for Friday 7thSeptember at 7pm at Plainmoor. Colin Lee had confirmed his attendance along with a number of players from the era and Richard Green of Radio Devon. It was hoped to source video coverage and audio commentary. Tickets will be available in advance – AB to address the technicalities of taking payment via the website. Tickets will also be available on the door. Price structure will be £10 for members and £15 for non-members, raising the need to check membership on entry. The club has offered technical support and will provide food at a cost. It was agreed that light snacks would be more appropriate than a full buffet. CF would arrange a quiz and there would be an opportunity for a short promotional speech on behalf of TUST.

We should aim to produce flyers for the event in time for the game on 24th July.

An invitation will be extended to Guy Henderson of the Herald Express. Despite the reduced circulation and significance of this publication, its importance as a source of information about all things TUFC for certain sections of the fan-base was recognised.

It was proposed by RC and seconded by RW and agreed unanimously that the profit from the evening should be divided equally between the disabled area roof and the ladies team.

AB to look into producing Membership Cards with a view to having them ready by this event or failing that the AGM.

Report of the Social Media Group

AB reported that things were quiet and there was nothing to raise.

Report of the Premier League Fans Fund (PLFF)

RC had introduced John Downer to members before the meeting. JD has been appointed as the Co-ordinator of the scheme. He comes from a project management background and is in the process of liaising with TUFC and Torquay United Community Sports Trust (TUCST) to develop his understanding of the objectives of the project and how it may be delivered. Contact to be made with those running Fanzones at Plymouth Argyle (AB) and Exeter City (RW).

The fixture list would be analysed to decide which games are most suited for the Fanzone experience.

Secretary’s Report

RW had circulated draft policies based on Supporters Direct models with minor amendments as follows;

  •  Board Membership Policy

  •  Code of Conduct

  •  Election Policy

  •  Standing Orders for General Meetings

It was agreed that;

  •  The restriction on relatives of current board members being elected to the board was unnecessary.

  •  A budget of £100 be available to cover minor expenses with the authority of any two of RC, AB & RW.

  •  Policies and other relevant documents will be available to all board members on a central resource (probably Dropbox). MG has reviewed and tidied existing records. RW to resolve security issues and advise in due course.

It was proposed by MT and seconded by AB to adopt the above policies and amendments and unanimously agreed. RC reported that he had a Safeguarding Policy which would be tabled at the next meeting for approval.

The new registered office address of 4 Church End Road, Kingskerswell, TQ12 5DS had been registered with the FCA and notified to Supporters Direct and the Football Supporters Federation. It will be amended on all headed paper, the website, e-mails etc.

Further to the Chairman’s previous suggestion, it was agreed to hold the AGMat the end of September or early October. Date to be fixed at next board meeting. CF suggested it be held directly after a Saturday home game. MT to speak to Tim Herbert at TUFC to check availability of the venue, possibly Boots & Laces.

Board Membership

MT confirmed MG’s reluctant decision to relinquish his role as Treasurer andMembership Secretary and to stand down from the B oard for personal reasons. AB & RW reported that they had spent a very useful evening with MG going over the handover process. RC proposed and RW seconded the appointment of AB to the position of Treasurer / Membership Secretary – unanimously agreed.

MT advised that, following his attendance at the previous meeting, Rob Burkitt had been approached to see if he was interested in joining the Board with responsibility for the communications role vacated by AB. It was proposed by MT and seconded by CF that RB be co-opted to the Board until the next AGM when he would be eligible for election – unanimously agreed.

There was then some discussion about the need for additional board members with the forthcoming resignations of SH and MG at the AGM. Several potential names were discussed including one member who had made it known that they were interested in joining the Board. It was noted that the Election Policy set out the procedure for members being nominated to the Board and this would ensure that a fair and democratic process is followed in due course.

Supporters Direct and Football Supporters Federation – proposed merger

RW tabled a report outlining the proposal for the two organisations to merge. This was being put to the AGMs of both bodies on 28th July.

Whilst recognising the great work that SD undertook on behalf of its members, it was agreed that the merger offered financial security going forward and ensured that the body would focus on football matters and provide a unified voice on behalf of fans and supporters groups such as TUST.

It was proposed by RC and seconded by RW that TUST should vote in favour of the proposed merger and agreed unanimously. RW to arrange a proxy vote at both AGMs.

Any other business

MT proposed that meetings should be held monthly in future with dates agreed in advance. The next meeting will be at 6.30pm on Monday 20th August at the Torbay Community Development Trust. Provisional dates for subsequent meetings are 17th September, 15th October, 19th November and 17thDecember.

There was no other business. The meeting closed at 9.15pm

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