We are very pleased to announce that after thought and discussion, Rob Dickinson has been elected by the board to join us as a co-opted director, and has kindly accepted this role, until the next AGM. At that point, he will be able to stand for election by members, as per our due process. He will be a great addition to our team.
Some background information of Rob will appear on our 'meet the team' section of this website shortly.
We are also very pleased to let you know that our Chair, Michel Thomas, has returned home and to duty after a difficult week in hospital, undergoing an emergency third hip replacement. This resulted in him spending several days in the high care unit.
Just after his 'great escape' from ICU to the main Ella Rowccroft Ward on Saturday, he could be seen plugged into TUFC radio, listening to our team's own great battle against Dartford at Plainmoor, it made his day!!
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