To all supporters, we feel it necessary to clarify the arrangements, and that the TUST board has wished to work with the club to deliver this effectively. We sent an encouraging email two weeks ago, offering our help at the penultimate match, as last year.
We then were asked, earlier this week, to have a POY voting point at our joint TUSCT/TUST Fan Zone, 1230-230pm., which we have of course readily agreed to do. We have received no further detail as yet, other than reading the announcements, re the voting and the arrangements for the awards presentation to be held at the dinner evening on the club website this week.
We share the disappointment quite a few supporters are expressing at the annual recognition of our players' achievements not taking place on the pitch. Also, that many of you may not be able to attend the presentation evening for the reasons you have given, mainly re time, location, suitability for younger fans and cost. It might be helpful, if you wish to, to pass on your views directly to the club, as we have not had any direct involvement.
We also understand that the club possibly sees this as an opportunity to increase their commercial revenue, and we wish them every success in this initiative. Also, for a well deserved, enjoyable, celebratory evening for our staff, manager, the players and those who are able to attend.
The main desire we have is that everyone attending on Monday celebrates the success of our local team,club and the supporters' part in winning the championship, and that we all enjoy this special day in our history! They have not come around that often.
Congratulations from TUST to everyone at TUFC for such a wonderful season.