Thursday, 24th May, 2018
6-9pm. at the Devon Clinic, Hyde Road, Paignton
Present: Michel Thomas (MT)
Alison Bryant (AB)
Matt Gorman (MG)
Rick Williams (RW)
Chris Fleet (CF)
James Murphy (JM) TUST Digital Team
Rob Burkitt (RB) TUST Digital Team
Apologies: Robin Causley
Matt Carpenter
Sean Horstead
Adoption of the minutes for the meeting on 18th April,2018 (MT/RW)
All agreed
Matters Arising
No matters arising
Chairman's comments/ General meeting (MT)
MT wished to point out that the lengthy agenda reflected the amount of positive and productive activity currently being undertaken by TUST.
A discussion was held, as MT asked for direction, as to when and if another General Meeting might be held. It was generally decided that we should await further developments and then consider this, when a remit might be more clearly needed from our members. Meanwhile, the newly created Digital team, and the more regular and detailed updates, were effectively keeping members in the picture, and the email system offered them the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions if they so wished.
Confirm approval of the GDPR documents and policies (MG/RW)
It was proposed to adopt the final draft TUST GDPR policies.
Proposed MG, Seconded RW
Agreed unanimously
TUFC meeting with CO update/comments / next meeting (MT,RC,MG)
Statement of meeting has already been distributed to members, no questions were asked by the board at this meeting and there had been general approval by TUST members and the general public by email or through social media.
Marketing/brochure design/chamber of commerce/2000-2001 legends event etc. (CF)
RB presented details of corporate membership at other clubs
£50 per annum agreed as corporate membership cost.
Digital Team to advertise for corporate membership through social media
It was proposed to allocate an initial budget of £100 to fund the designing of the new marketing brochure.
Proposed MG, Seconded AB,
Agreed unanimously
2000/2001 legends evening to be held, date tba.
Kevin Hill, Steve Tully, Richard Green - Radio Devon, Mike Bateson, Mervyn Benney, Gareth Laws, Robbie Herrera, Colin Lee, Dave Thomas as possible guests. Invitation to be sent to ladies’ team and mens’ team.
Details - membership table, snacks at the bar, CF compare with TUST board members on each table. Talks about what we did that season. Hope to hold the event in the Gulls Nest with video clips of game, raffle and quiz. Players encouraged to mingle. TUFC will gain bar profits, possibly TUFC to sponsor it? Arrange meeting with Tim Herbert.
It was proposed that tickets for the 2000-2001 evening cost £10 for members and £15 for non members ( unless they wish to sign up on the night). The net profits of the evening to go to the 'disabled roofing fund'.
Proposed AB, Seconded RW,
Agreed unanimously
CF said Dave Harding (volunteer) suggested that ECFC and PAFC supporters should get reduced entrance at TUFC games. This was mentioned in meeting with Clarke Osborne, TUST will revisit this idea at the next joint meeting with TUFC.
CF will compile a list of things to approach TUFC about before June 4th.
Summary of meetings with TUFC (AB)
AB has now completed a comprehensive summary of last seasons' minutes for the joint meetings with TUFC. As per the structured dialogue agreement, Tim Herbert, as club secretary, will be given the opportunity to read them and confirm that they are correct before publishing. Next season, it is hoped to be able to give out a regular summary to members, and supporters alike, of any joint TUST/TUFC meetings.
Digital team/social media policy update (AB)
All going well, James and Rob to sign social media policy.
Secretary update/filing/meeting with Exeter City ST etc. (RW)
Confirmation 23 Sandown Road is our official registered address. RW is tracking down all minutes. TUSTs current rules are based on a 2014 Supporters Direct model. In due course RW will scrutinise the 2016 model and look at any changes or updates with a recommendation to adopt the newer version at the AGM 2018. TUST is required by our current rules to have certain policies, for example standing order, board membership. RW will draft proposals with Supporters Direct for the board to consider.
RW met ECST secretary and Chair, talked about publishing minutes. Some businesses issue minutes in two sections, part A confidential, part B non confidential. RW suggested this is something we could do in the future. ECST interested in our renewal membership method and will talk to MG.
Membership Report (MG)
MG presented Treasurer Comments summarised as follows:
In order to ensure compliance with GDPR regulations, an audit has been undertaken of the membership database. The membership database is confirmed as up-to-date as at 24/5/18.
Mailchimp database for contacting members with Newsletters etc. also confirmed as up-to-date as at 24/5/18
All lapsed membership data cleansed and unnecessary data deleted regarding dates of birth.
New membership data for 2018:
Jan 42 new members signed up
Feb 3 new members signed up
March 2 new members signed up
April 4 new members signed up
May 5 new members signed up + 8 lapsed memberships chased up and renewed from the audit exercise.
Bank Balances (as at 20th May)
Current Account £1,361.75
Reserve Account £34,115.71 (of which £462 held on behalf of Sam Balsdon)
Therefore net capital in the bank of £35,015.46
Premier League Fans Fund £11,850
TULFC player of the Year Award (MT)
MT had been contacted re sponsoring the TULFC end of season POY award. It was proposed to agree to the request for TUST to sponsor the above award for the 2017-18 season, at a cost of £20.
Proposed MG, Seconded AB
Agreed unanimously
PLFF Update/steering group/meetings/ coordinator appt./Plymouth Fanzone etc. (RC)
MT read out a report submitted by RC up-dating the board as regards the PLFF grant.
The job advert was sent out last week, published on the club website,through all TUST’s communications channels and by TUCST.
So far we have had eight requests for the information pack with two subsequently applying and one notifying me he wouldn’t be taking his application any further,as he wouldn’t be able to undertake some of the responsibilities required.
We’ve got a deadline of 15th June and I will contact Tim when he’s back to arrange short-listing soon after that date-I’ll also involve TUCST in that.
Tim is dealing with TUOSC as regards their involvement (or not) in the project. It would be good to get the Ladies’ team involved too-perhaps you could flag it up with them when you reply regarding sponsoring their Awards Night-I’d be happy to speak to their Manager etc about the project. The new TUCST manager will be in place shortly and I will be meeting with him/her as soon as they’ve got their” feet under the table”.
Once we’ve shortlisted we’ll set-up an interview panel made up of representatives of the project partners’. The sooner the successful candidate can start the better as there’s already been some slippage from the timelines in my action plan.
One of the first things to arrange will be the first meeting of the project steering group where we can agree actions and partners’ responsibilities in terms of delivering the project.
Another key date will be the fixture list when we can identify matches and dates for Fan Zones and the free “match day experiences” the club will be offering.
We have three offers of help for the project from our volunteer meeting; and maybe we can persuade some of the unsuccessful applicants to join the team as volunteer ambassadors as well?
A couple of Trusts at the a SD workshop mentioned grants they had received from other sources-one was for involving young people in their work-I will keep an eye out for other opportunities but as we will have our work cut-out for the next few months,,will be looking to the future for these as part of TUST’s development, rather than now.
Supporters Direct members day feedback/meeting with Nicola Hudson/AGM (RC & MT)
Robin Causley and Michel Thomas attended the Supporters Direct Day Conference in Birmingham representing TUST and its' members on Sunday, 20th May. It provided an opportunity to learn from seminars about the current national situation, new resources available and also to network with Trusts and Supporters' organisations from many other football clubs.
A good and mutually supportive relationship has been established with local neighbours Exeter City and Bath City Supporters Trusts, who are both involved with supporter/community run clubs. Many other clubs are friends of Torquay United, and express their sadness at missing a trip to Torquay on their fixture list! Bath are of course looking forward to visiting us.
The main points to report back to you are as follows:-
Supporters Direct and the Football Supporters Federation are considering a merger, to increase efficacy of resources, which will be voted upon at their respective AGMs on July 28th. More information to follow on this, as we will be required to attend and vote on your behalves.
A proposal from the national supporters organisations, which include 2 FA council members, to the EFL/PL to reform the club licensing regulations is currently awaiting a reply. Early indications are that they will not consider this as part of their remit! This proposal includes a more stringent 'Owners and Directors Test', as there is a growing concern, due to evidence from across the country, that the current one is not fully fit for purpose. eg. Dulwich Hamlet, Blackpool.
The FA will also be approached and, that failing, the issue may well then go to government level. The Parliamentary All Party Supporters' group are already concerned with good governance in football clubs on a national basis.
SD will offer us full, and immediate, support if required, in establishing our medium and long term business plans. We will be receiving draft templates from them for the board to discuss shortly. These have been constructed in consultation and in comparison with other clubs' supporters' organisations and supporter run clubs.
We attended seminars and have also collected new resources relating to the secretary's role; good board structure; 'what a well run club looks like'; business plans and finance; Memorandums of Understanding for structured dialogue between club and supporters and new ideas for marketing clubs and supporters organisations to the community.
Overall, it was a very productive day, furthermore we were also able to arrange to have an hour's personal meeting, and catch up, with the SD Non-League co-ordinator the evening before!
MT and AB met the conservative group on Monday 21st May. A statement has been prepared and all approved it to be sent out by mailchimp and social media.